Found this post from a while back and thought it would make a good first blog for the new page4/26/2015 As I start to pack my bags for a new adventure I catch myself doing little things that got me thinking. Some of you travel for work and others are already looking forward to that summer vaca that seems to never get here fast enough. Your trip may be for a week or even just a two night business trip. What's one of the first things you do before you pack your bags? I would venture to say that the majority of you hop on the ole interwebs and look at the weather reports right? You want to make sure you are prepared for your journey. You make sure your house is in order so things run smoothly while you are gone. You check and double check to make sure your hotel room is properly booked right? Think about how many steps it takes you to get ready for in the grand scheme of things is a short trip. Well let me ask you this. What have you done to prepare for your eternal journey? If the second coming and the end of days were to happen right now are your bags properly packed? Would your house be in order? Is your hotel room properly booked? We have been dutifully warned the day is coming. We have not been told when that day is? We do not know the day or the hour ( Matt 25:13). But yet many of us and yes including myself go through our days pretty non nonchalantly right? We really if we are being honest don't give it much thought. It rarely crosses our minds that it could be this year, month, week, day, hour, or right this second. We throw the words “ the end of days are coming” when we see our world in shambles. We know the day is coming but if we are being honest with ourselves the majority of us still have our suitcases in the closet collecting dust so to speak. Let's look at it like this. If you were to know at 5:36 pm Jesus will be coming to your house to take you home how differently would you go about your day? I can imagine there would be a mad scramble at the ole casa wouldn't there? Now let me throw this at you. How many of you hate well let me rephrase how many of you get frustrated when unexpected family drops by right around dinner time? The mass chaos that this can sometimes bring can drive the most hospitable of us mad. The questions start to creep through your mind. Do I have enough food to feed them? Oh crap this house is a mess they will think I live like a pig. (ladies) I have nothing to wear and my hair is a total mess. (fellas) Crap she is gonna make me wear a collared shirt to dinner and I'm gonna miss The Big Bang Theory. Wouldn't it be nice if we were always prepared? Our homes were always in order, Our doors were always open with no worries about who may knock on the door. It's a hefty task to always be 100% prepared but wouldn't it be way less stressful knowing that you are ready? Try just for one day living like you think today is the day. I will be going home today so I will work hard to do everything right in the eyes of the Lord. Mend the fences that have been torn down, Help that person you often overlook. Go through you day without worry our complaint. Speak ill of no one and love all that you encounter. Repeat it until it becomes habit. Dust off that old suitcase. Make sure your house is in order and most importantly make sure you have made reservations
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5/5/2015 09:23:17 pm
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